

There is no product available on the market that can mirror the results achieved with injectable derma fillers. Injections work quickly, effectively and you can achieve the smooth skin of your youth you always longed for – all of this without surgery! That’s what we call the “Derma Magic”

How do Derma Fillers work?

Derma fillers are a naturally-derived or synthetic material that is directly injected into skin with the purpose of plumping that area to the point where the wrinkle, depression, or fold is softened.  Depending on the type of filler, the effects can last anywhere from six months to two years.

What can Derma Fillers do for you?

Dermal fillers can be used to fix a variety of concerns related to facial aging, including:

  • Adding volume and smoothing out the deep creases that run from the nose to the mouth

  • Plumping thin lips and smoothing out vertical lines around the edges of the lips

  • Augmenting cheeks to enhance their shape, often restoring youthful fullness

  • Filling out depressions (hollows) under the eye area.

  • Making indented scars from acne or chicken pox more even with surrounding skin.


Skin tightening procedures have become very popular in recent years because they provide a nonsurgical alternative to more invasive procedures for correcting skin laxity and improving skin quality. RF energy treatment is a new and promising technology for non-surgical tightening of the early signs of loose or sagging skin; ideal for those people who either don’t want, or don’t believe they are old enough to have a surgical procedure to resolve their onset of skin laxity.

How does RF (Radiofrequency) Skin Tightening work?

RF energy when used for skin tightening is able to penetrate deep into the skin and affect the deeper dermis and subcutaneous layers, causing tightening and improvements to the underlying tissue structure.

What can RF Skin Tightening do for you?

Radiofrequency (RF) is the latest additions to the treatment options available for the aging face and body. This safe, non-invasive, no downtime procedure is ideal for tightening loose or lax skin.


The brown spots and patches that appear on the skin after years of fun in the sun can now be effectively removed with a laser or an IPL (intense pulsed light) device. Sun spots, which include age spots, liver spots, freckles, solar lentigines, and other benign pigmented lesions resulting from sun-damage, can be removed from nearly any body area.

Skin tags are small, brown or flesh-coloured growths that protrude from the surface of the skin, usually by a few millimeters. Often mistaken for warts, skin tags can appear anywhere on the body but are typically found in areas where skin repeatedly rubs against itself, such as the armpits, groin, eyelids and neck. Some skin tags grow over time and can very occasionally become as large as 5 centimeters.

A wart is typically a small growth that appears on a person's hands or feet and looks like a solid blister or a small cauliflower. They may also appear on other parts of the body. Warts have a rough texture and are caused by viruses, particularly one of several kinds of HPV (human papillomavirus).

Skin Tags and warts can effectively be removed with electrocautery – performed at  Devasya only by our certified doctors

How does the treatment work?

Sun Spots can effectively be treated with a laser or an IPL Device. The laser/IPL device emits a range of lightwaves that are tuned and targeted at the melanin (the brown pigment in freckles and age spots). The light beam passes through the skin and is absorbed by the melanin resulting in damage to the vessel wall or fragmenting of melanin pigment. These tiny vessels and the melanin pigment are then absorbed by the body, rendering them less visible.

The Electrocautery Treatment for skin tags and warts is quick and easy where all abnormal tissue growth is removed. The heat from the probe seals the site, and there’s no need for stitches.


A keloid is a tough heaped-up scar that rises quite abruptly above the rest of the skin. It usually has a smooth top and a pink or purple color. Keloids are irregularly shaped and tend to enlarge progressively. Unlike scars, keloids do not regress over time.

How does the Keloid Treatment work?

Laser: Before the treatment, the affected area is applied with local anesthesia. Then, pulses of laser light are administered on that area to destroy the scar cells which are, in turn, absorbed by the body. As the sessions progress, all the scar cells are burned off and the lower skin layers are allowed to grow new cells to replenish the ones in the scar.

Intralesional Injection: This steroid injection involves a corticosteroid, such as triamcinolone acetonide, which is injected directly into a lesion on or immediately below the skin. The rationale for intralesional therapy is simple: to deliver a medication directly into a specific skin lesion to treat local tissues with minimal systemic effects. The skin also serves as a reservoir, allowing medication deposited in the dermis to be delivered over a period of time, resulting in prolonged therapy while avoiding or minimizing the adverse effects of systemic therapy.

What can Keloid Treatment do for you?

The result of this treatment is thinning, flattening of the scar and overall improvement in the appearance of the scar